Circular Economy Summit Austria
Start: 22. March 2022 10:00
End: 24. March 2022 16:00
Organiser: Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology
Organiser contact:
Event type:
Location: Austria

The “Circular Economy Summit Austria 2021” will take place on March 22-24, 2022. The Austrian Federal Ministry for Climate and Environment, Energy, Mobility and Technology (BMK) will host the first circular economy summit. This dialogue is organized jointly by BMK and the Austrian “Circular Economy Accelerator” with broad support from business and civil society organizations. BMK has started to develop a “Strategy to support the circular economy” in Austria. At the same time, it uses all the impulses to redesign social and economic systems with regard to the recycling of resources, materials and products. With this first circular economy summit, BMK would like to open up a wide-ranging debate in Austria across politics, business, science, civil society and the young generation. The event will take place as a hybrid meeting with the possibility of virtual participation.

Published by CVTI